© Copyright B.V. Bixoft 1999-2003. All rights reserved.

Unload a partitioned dataset into IEBUPDTE format

This program makes use of various macros from Bixoft's eXtended Assembly language. For your convenience the non-trivial macros are described here. For a complete overview, please refer to the Macro overview page on this site.

Macro Short description
PGM Program entry logic, including DSECT mappings
MAP$UNLD Invoked by PGM, maps the private area of BXAUNLD
EQUREG Assigns the number of an available register
USE Replaces USING, informs EQUREG which registers are in use, even when they're not used for addressing
IF Specifies a condition
EXSR EXecute SubRoutine
BEGSR BEGin SubRoutine
ENDSR END SubRoutine
CPY Copy a field or register to a field or register
MVPL MoVe ParmList from constants area to dynamic storage
SET Set a regsiter of field to point to a specific location
SETOF Turns a named bit off
SETON Turns a named bit on
INC INCrement a register by one or the amount specified
DEC DECrement a register by one or the amount specified
LT Load and Test
LTHU Load and Test Halfword Unsigned
LTA24 Load and Test 24-bit address
STA24 St 24-bit address

This software is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
More information is available from the Free Software Foundation or the Open Source Initiative.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this software; if not, write to either of the following:

the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307
United States of America
B.V. Bixoft
Rogge 9
7261 JA Ruurlo
The Netherlands
phone: +31-6-22755401

This software - and more programs and macros - are available in a format more suitable for uploading to your mainframe. Please e-mail B.V. Bixoft with your request and you will receive a zipped IEBUPDTE job with the program sources.

*                                                                       00000100
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  00000200
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  00000300
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License         00000400
* or (at your option) any later version.                                00000500
* The license text is available at the following internet addresses:    00000600
* -                               00000700
* -                                                      00000800
* -                                               00000900
*                                                                       00001000
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       00001100
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        00001200
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.                  00001400
*                                                                       00001500
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     00001600
* along with this program; if not, write to either of the following:    00001700
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc.      B.V. Bixoft                   00001800
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330              Rogge 9                       00001900
* Boston, MA 02111-1307                   7261 JA Ruurlo                00002000
* United States of America                The Netherlands               00002100
*                                                                       00002200
*                                         e-mail:      00002300
*                                         phone : +31-6-22755401        00002400
*                                                                       00002500
*PROCESS FLAG(SUBSTR)                                                   00010000
*PROCESS RENT                                                           00020000
*********************************************************************** 00030000
*                                                                       00040000
* BIXXAMS - Bixoft Cross Access Method Services                         00050000
* Licensed material - Property of B.V. Bixoft                           00060000
*                                                                       00070000
* This program can be licensed or used on an as-is basis.               00080000
* No warranty, neither implicit nor explicit, is given.                 00090000
* It remains your own responsibility to ensure the correct              00100000
* working of this program in your installation.                         00110000
*                                                                       00120000
* Suggestions for improvement are always welcome at                     00130000
*  or mail to                   00140000
*                                                                       00150000
* (C) Copyright B.V. Bixoft, 1999-2000                                  00160000
*********************************************************************** 00170000
*                                                                       00180000
* This program converts a PDS or PDSE to a sequential dataset that      00190000
*      contains a job stream, capable of recreating the dataset.        00200000
*                                                                       00210000
*********************************************************************** 00220000
         PGM   VERSION=V00R00M00,      * Version number                *00230000
               HDRTXT='Bixxams PDS unload program',                    *00240000
               WORKAREA=UNLD,          * Dynamic area                  *00250000
               SAVES=3,                * Internal save-areas           *00260000
               ABND=0130,              * Abend code for BXAUNLD        *00270000
               MAPS=($UNLD,            * Private control blocks        *00280000
               CVT,DCB,DCBE,JESCT,JFCB,IOB,PDS,PSA,TCB,TIOT)            00290000
*                                                                       00300000
* Assign some global registers                                          00310000
R_RCD    EQUREG ,                      * Assign retcode register        00320000
         USE   R_RCD,SCOPE=CALLED      * Set register in use            00330000
R_TMP    EQU   R_RCD                   * Use for temp. also             00340000
R_LEN    EQUREG ,                      * Assign length register         00350000
         USE   R_LEN,SCOPE=CALLED      * Set register in use            00360000
*                                                                       00370000
* Retrieve JCL parameter - if specified - and save in UNLD              00380000
         IF    R1,NZ                   * Parm ptr was passed?           00390000
          L    R_TMP,0(,R1)            * Retrieve ptr to JCL parm       00400000
          CLEAR (R_TMP,*ADDR)          * Wipe hi-order bit              00410000
          IF   R_TMP,NZ                * If it is valid                 00420000
           LH  R_LEN,0(R_TMP)          * First halfword is length       00430000
           IF  R_LEN,GT,8              * If it is too long              00440000
            LA R_LEN,8                 * Truncate to 8 characters       00450000
           ELSE ,                      * It might be too short          00460000
            MVC UNLPARM,=CL8' '        * pre-fill with spaces           00470000
           ENDIF ,                     *                                00480000
           IF  R_LEN,NZ                * If length is valid             00490000
            EXMVC UNLPARM(R_LEN),2(R_TMP) * Copy parameter text         00500000
            SETON UNLSPRM              * Set valid parm indicator       00510000
           ENDIF ,                     *                                00520000
          ENDIF ,                      *                                00530000
         ENDIF ,                       *                                00540000
*                                                                       00550000
* Create in-storage table of directory entries                          00560000
         EXSR  CRTDIR                  * Create directory table         00570000
*                                                                       00580000
* Process the library: read & copy all members                          00590000
         EXSR  RDLIB                   * Read all members in the lib    00600000
*                                                                       00610000
* Release the directory table                                           00620000
         CPY   R_TMP,UNLDIRP           * Point table                    00630000
         CPY   R_LEN,UNLDIRSZ          * Retrieve length of table       00640000
         STORAGE RELEASE,              * Free the directory table      *00650000
               LENGTH=(R_LEN),         *                               *00660000
               ADDR=(R_TMP)            *                                00670000
         CLEAR UNLDIRP                 * Wipe ptr to buffer             00680000
         CLEAR UNLDIRFP                * Wipe ptr to free entry         00690000
         CLEAR UNLDIRSZ                * And buffer size                00700000
*                                                                       00710000
* Release remaining registers                                           00720000
         DROP  R_LEN                   *                                00730000
         DROP  R_RCD                   *                                00740000
*                                                                       00750000
* And exit                                                              00760000
         RETRN RC=0                    * Quit this program              00770000
*********************************************************************** 00780000
*                                                                       00790000
* Routine to create an in-storage table of directrory entries           00800000
*                                                                       00810000
*********************************************************************** 00820000
CRTDIR   BEGSR ,                       *                                00830000
*                                                                       00840000
* Create BPAM DCB and open it.                                          00850000
         MVPL  UNLDCB1,UNL_DCB1        * Copy DCB for PDS               00860000
         MVPL  UNLDCBE1,UNL_DCBE       * Copy DCBE for PDS              00870000
         USE   DCB,UNLDCB1             * Set DCB fields addressable     00880000
         USE   DCBE,UNLDCBE1           * Set DCBE fields addressable    00890000
         SET   DCBDCBE,UNLDCBE1        * Point from DCB to DCBE         00900000
         SET   DCBEEODA,LIST_EODAD     * Set ptr to end-of-member rtn   00910000
*                                                                       00920000
         MVPL  UNLOPEN,UNL_OPEN        * Copy OPEN parmlist             00930000
         OPEN  (UNLDCB1,INPUT),        * Open the input dataset        *00940000
               MF=(E,UNLOPEN)          *                                00950000
         ABND  TSTRC,RCD=R_RCD         *                                00960000
*                                                                       00970000
* Allocate buffer for reading dir blocks                                00980000
         LA    R_LEN,PDSDIRBS          * Room for 8 entries             00990000
         STORAGE OBTAIN,               * Allocate storage              *01000000
               LENGTH=(R_LEN),         * for 8 entries                 *01010000
               LOC=ANY                 *                                01020000
         CPY   UNLBUFP,R1              * Save ptr to buffer             01030000
         CPY   UNLBUFSZ,R_LEN          * Save length of buffer          01040000
*                                                                       01050000
* Allocate initial buffer for 8 directory entries                       01060000
         LA    R_LEN,8*PDS_LEN         * Room for 8 entries             01070000
         STORAGE OBTAIN,               * Allocate storage              *01080000
               LENGTH=(R_LEN),         * for 8 entries                 *01090000
               LOC=ANY                 *                                01100000
         CPY   UNLDIRP,R1              * Save ptr to table              01110000
         CPY   UNLDIRFP,R1             * Set ptr to 1st free element    01120000
         CPY   UNLDIRSZ,R_LEN          * Save length of table           01130000
*                                                                       01140000
* Prepare for reading the directory                                     01150000
         CPY   UNLBLKSI,DCBBLKSI       * Save blocksize                 01160000
         CPY   DCBBLKSI,PDSDIRBS       * Set blocksize for dir block    01170000
         SETOF UNLSEOF                 * Signal No EOF reached yet      01180000
*                                                                       01190000
* Read directory - 1 block at a time to copy relevant dir-info          01200000
         DO    UNTIL,UNLSEOF           * Repeat until EOF occurs        01210000
          MVPL UNLDECB1,UNL_DECB       * Set up prototype DECB          01220000
          CPY  R_TMP,UNLBUFP           * Point to block buffer          01230000
          READ UNLDECB1,SF,            * Read forward                  *01240000
               UNLDCB1,(R_TMP),'S',    *   1 directory block into buf  *01250000
               MF=E                    *                                01260000
          CHECK UNLDECB1               * Wait for read to complete      01270000
          EXSR CPYDIRB                 * Copy directory block           01280000
         ENDDO ,                       *                                01290000
*                                                                       01300000
* Restore correct blocksize to DCB                                      01310000
         CPY   DCBBLKSI,UNLBLKSI       * Restore blocksize              01320000
*                                                                       01330000
* Release buffer area                                                   01340000
         CPY   R_TMP,UNLBUFP           * Point record buffer            01350000
         CPY   R_LEN,UNLBUFSZ          * Retrieve length of buffer      01360000
         STORAGE RELEASE,              * Free the directory buffer     *01370000
               LENGTH=(R_LEN),         *                               *01380000
               ADDR=(R_TMP)            *                                01390000
         CLEAR UNLBUFP                 * Wipe ptr to buffer             01400000
         CLEAR UNLBUFSZ                * And buffer size                01410000
*                                                                       01420000
* Close input dataset                                                   01430000
         MVPL  UNLCLOS,UNL_CLOS        * Copy CLOSE plist               01440000
         CLOSE (UNLDCB1),MF=(E,UNLCLOS) * Close the input dataset       01450000
         ABND  TSTRC,RCD=R_RCD         *                                01460000
*                                                                       01470000
         ENDSR ,                       *                                01480000
*********************************************************************** 01490000
*                                                                       01500000
* Routine to copy direntries from a dirblock to our own table           01510000
*                                                                       01520000
*********************************************************************** 01530000
CPYDIRB  BEGSR ,                       *                                01540000
*                                                                       01550000
R_PDS    EQUREG ,                      * Assign ptr to PDS entry        01560000
         USE   PDS,R_PDS               * Set PDS direntry addressable   01570000
         CPY   R_PDS,UNLBUFP           * Point to dir buffer            01580000
*                                                                       01590000
R_PDSEND EQUREG ,                      * Assign ptr to end of PDS block 01600000
         USE   R_PDSEND                * Set register in use            01610000
         CPY   R_PDSEND,R_PDS          * Point to buffer                01620000
         AH    R_PDSEND,0(R_PDS)       * Nr of occupied bytes in 1st H  01630000
         INC   R_PDS,2                 * Point to first entry           01640000
*                                                                       01650000
* Process all entries in the current directory block                    01660000
         DO    WHILE,R_PDS,LT,R_PDSEND * For each valid entry           01670000
          CPY  R1,R_PDS                * Ptr to entry to be copied      01680000
          EXSR CPYDIRE                 * Copy a single direntry         01690000
          LA   R_LEN,TTRNUSLN          * Load mask for length bits      01700000
          IC   R_TMP,TTRNINDC          * Retrieve indicator byte        01710000
          NR   R_LEN,R_TMP             * Extract length indication      01720000
          SLL  R_LEN,1                 * Length of user data in bytes   01730000
          LA   R_PDS,PDS_LEN(R_LEN,R_PDS) * Point next entry            01740000
         ENDDO ,                       *                                01750000
*                                                                       01760000
         ENDSR ,                       *                                01770000
*********************************************************************** 01780000
*                                                                       01790000
* Routine to copy a single direntry to our table                        01800000
*                                                                       01810000
*********************************************************************** 01820000
CPYDIRE  BEGSR ,                       *                                01830000
*                                                                       01840000
         USE   PDS,R_PDS               * Set PDS direntry addressable   01850000
         CPY   R_PDS,R1                * Point to current entry         01860000
*                                                                       01870000
R_TABEND EQUREG ,                      * Allocate ptr to end of table   01880000
         USE   R_TABEND                * Set reg in use                 01890000
         CPY   R_TABEND,UNLDIRP        * Point to dir table             01900000
         A     R_TABEND,UNLDIRSZ       * Point past table               01910000
*                                                                       01920000
R_TAB    EQUREG ,                      * Assign current entry pointer   01930000
         USE   R_TAB                   * Set poiner reg in use          01940000
         CPY   R_TAB,UNLDIRFP          * Point current free entry       01950000
*                                                                       01960000
* If last entry: set EOF indicator                                      01970000
         IF    E,CLC,PDSNAME,=8X'FF'   * Terminating entry is all X'FF' 01980000
          SETON UNLSEOF                * Set end-of-directory           01990000
         ENDIF ,                       *                                02000000
*                                                                       02010000
* If our table is full we must enlarge it                               02020000
         IF    NOT,UNLSEOF,AND,        * Entry is valid?               *02030000
               R_TAB,EQ,R_TABEND       * And table is full?             02040000
          L    R_LEN,UNLDIRSZ          * Retrieve current size          02050000
          SLL  R_LEN,1                 * Double current size            02060000
          STORAGE OBTAIN,              * Allocate new buffer           *02070000
               LENGTH=(R_LEN),         *                               *02080000
               LOC=ANY                 *                                02090000
          CPY  R_TAB,R1                * Save ptr to new table          02100000
          CPY  R_LEN,UNLDIRSZ          * Reload old table size          02110000
          CPY  R_TMP,UNLDIRP           * Point existing table           02120000
          CPY  ((R_TAB),(R_LEN)),((R_TMP),(R_LEN)) *                    02130000
          STORAGE RELEASE,             * Free the old buffer           *02140000
               LENGTH=(R_LEN),         *                               *02150000
               ADDR=(R_TMP)            *                                02160000
          CPY  UNLDIRP,R_TAB           * Save ptr to start of new table 02170000
          AR   R_TAB,R_LEN             * Add old size, point free entry 02180000
          CPY  UNLDIRFP,R_TAB          * Set current free pointer       02190000
          SLL  R_LEN,1                 * Size of new table              02200000
          CPY  UNLDIRSZ,R_LEN          * Set new table size             02210000
         ENDIF ,                       *                                02220000
*                                                                       02230000
* Copy entry to table, advance free entry pointer                       02240000
         IF    NOT,UNLSEOF             * A valid entry to process?      02250000
          MVC  0(PDS_LEN,R_TAB),PDS    * Copy entry to table            02260000
          INC  R_TAB,PDS_LEN           * Point next entry               02270000
          CPY  UNLDIRFP,R_TAB          * Update free entry ptr          02280000
         ENDIF ,                       *                                02290000
*                                                                       02300000
         ENDSR ,                       *                                02310000
*********************************************************************** 02320000
*                                                                       02330000
* Routine to read thru all members in sequence                          02340000
*                                                                       02350000
*********************************************************************** 02360000
RDLIB    BEGSR ,                       *                                02370000
*                                                                       02380000
* Create BSAM DCB and open it.                                          02390000
         MVPL  UNLDCB2,UNL_DCB2        * Copy DCB for PDS               02400000
         MVPL  UNLDCBE2,UNL_DCBE       * Copy DCBE for PDS              02410000
         USE   DCB,UNLDCB2             * Set DCB fields addressable     02420000
         USE   DCBE,UNLDCBE2           * Set DCBE fields addressable    02430000
         SET   DCBDCBE,UNLDCBE2        * Point from DCB to DCBE         02440000
         SET   DCBEEODA,LIST_EODAD     * Set ptr to end-of-member rtn   02450000
*                                                                       02460000
         MVPL  UNLOPEN,UNL_OPEN        * Copy OPEN parmlist             02470000
         OPEN  (UNLDCB2,INPUT),        * Open the input dataset        *02480000
               MF=(E,UNLOPEN)          *                                02490000
         ABND  TSTRC,RCD=R_RCD         *                                02500000
*                                                                       02510000
* RECFM must be F, FB, V, or VB                                         02520000
         IF    NM,TM,DCBRECFM,DCBRECF+DCBRECV * Either bit must be on   02530000
          ABND ,                       * RECFM=U: error                 02540000
         ENDIF ,                                                        02550000
*                                                                       02560000
* Allocate a buffer                                                     02570000
         CPY   R_LEN,DCBBLKSI          * Retrieve block size            02580000
         STORAGE OBTAIN,               * Allocate buffer for block     *02590000
               LENGTH=(R_LEN),         *                               *02600000
               LOC=ANY                 *                                02610000
         CPY   UNLBUFP,R1              * Save ptr to buffer             02620000
         CPY   UNLBUFSZ,R_LEN          * and save length of buffer      02630000
*                                                                       02640000
* Create output DCB and open it.                                        02650000
         MVPL  UNLDCBO,UNL_DCBO        * Copy DCB for output dataset    02660000
         MVPL  UNLOPEN,UNL_OPEN        * Copy OPEN parmlist             02670000
         OPEN  (UNLDCBO,OUTPUT),       * Open the output dataset       *02680000
               MF=(E,UNLOPEN)          *                                02690000
         ABND  TSTRC,RCD=R_RCD         *                                02700000
*                                                                       02710000
* Create jcl statements                                                 02720000
         EXSR  CRTJCL                  *                                02730000
*                                                                       02740000
* Set up table pointer                                                  02750000
         USE   PDS,R_TAB               * Set direntry addressable       02760000
         CPY   R_TAB,UNLDIRP           * Point first entry              02770000
*                                                                       02780000
* Loop thru direntries in table                                         02790000
         DO    WHILE,R_TAB,LT,UNLDIRFP * UNLDIRFP points unused entry   02800000
          CPY  R1,R_TAB                * Set ptr                        02810000
          EXSR RDMEM                   * Read the member                02820000
          INC  R_TAB,PDS_LEN           * Point next entry               02830000
         ENDDO ,                       *                                02840000
*                                                                       02850000
* Create terminating control statement for IEBUPDTE                     02860000
         L     R_TMP,=A(CNTLEND)       * Point prototype end statement  02870000
         MVC   UNLBUFO,0(R_TMP)        * Copy prototype control line    02880000
         PUT   UNLDCBO,UNLBUFO         * Write control line to output   02890000
*                                                                       02900000
* Create terminating JCL statement for SYSIN dataset                    02910000
         CLEAR UNLBUFO,C' '            * Pre-fill with spaces           02920000
         MVC   UNLBUFO(2),=C'()'       * Insert eof-marker for sysin    02930000
         PUT   UNLDCBO,UNLBUFO         * Write JCL line to output       02940000
*                                                                       02950000
* Close output dataset                                                  02960000
         MVPL  UNLCLOS,UNL_CLOS        * Copy CLOSE plist               02970000
         CLOSE (UNLDCBO),MF=(E,UNLCLOS) * Close the input dataset       02980000
         ABND  TSTRC,RCD=R_RCD         *                                02990000
*                                                                       03000000
* Close input dataset                                                   03010000
         MVPL  UNLCLOS,UNL_CLOS        * Copy CLOSE plist               03020000
         CLOSE (UNLDCB2),MF=(E,UNLCLOS) * Close the input dataset       03030000
         ABND  TSTRC,RCD=R_RCD         *                                03040000
*                                                                       03050000
         ENDSR ,                       *                                03060000
*********************************************************************** 03070000
*                                                                       03080000
* Routine to read 1 member from the library                             03090000
*                                                                       03100000
* On entry R1 points to the current directory entry in the table        03110000
*                                                                       03120000
*********************************************************************** 03130000
RDMEM    BEGSR ,                       *                                03140000
*                                                                       03150000
* Set up addressability                                                 03160000
         USE   PDS,R_TAB               * Set direntry addressable       03170000
         CPY   R_TAB,R1                * Point current entry            03180000
*                                                                       03190000
         USE   DCB,UNLDCB2             * Set DCB fields addressable     03200000
         USE   DECB,UNLDECB2           * Set DECB fields addressable    03210000
*                                                                       03220000
* Create control statement for IEBUPDTE                                 03230000
         L     R_TMP,=A(CNTLADD)       * Point prototype add statement  03240000
         MVC   UNLBUFO,0(R_TMP)        * Copy prototype control line    03250000
         MVC   UNLBUFO+12(8),PDSNAME   * Insert member name             03260000
         PUT   UNLDCBO,UNLBUFO         * Write control line to output   03270000
*                                                                       03280000
* Point to start of member                                              03290000
         CPY   UNLTTRN,PDSTTRN         * Copy TTR value for member      03300000
         CLEAR UNLTTRN_.TTRNINDC       * Append hex zeroes              03310000
         POINT UNLDCB2,UNLTTRN         * Point to start of dataset      03320000
         ABND  TSTRC,RCD=R_RCD         * Abend on error                 03330000
*                                                                       03340000
* Loop thru all member blocks                                           03350000
         SETOF UNLSEOF                 * Reset end-of-member bit        03360000
         DO    UNTIL,UNLSEOF           * Until end-of-member            03370000
          MVPL UNLDECB2,UNL_DECB       * Set up prototype DECB          03380000
          CPY  R_TMP,UNLBUFP           * Point to block buffer          03390000
          READ UNLDECB2,SF,            * Read forward                  *03400000
               UNLDCB2,(R_TMP),'S',    *   1 member data block         *03410000
               MF=E                    *                                03420000
          CHECK UNLDECB2               * Wait for read to complete      03430000
          IF   NOT,UNLSEOF             * A valid block was read?        03440000
* For Fixed records: use IOB to determine end-of-buffer                 03450000
* For Variable records: use BDW to determine end-of-buffer              03460000
           IF  DCBRECF                 * Fixed or FB records?           03470000
            CPY R_LEN,DCBBLKSI         * Load block length              03480000
R_IOB       EQUREG ,                   * Assign IOB ptr                 03490000
            USE IOBSTDRD,R_IOB         * Set IOB addressable            03500000
            CPY R_IOB,DECIOBPT         * And point to IOB               03510000
            CPY R_TMP,IOBRESCT         * Load residual count            03520000
            DROP R_IOB                 * IOB no longer needed           03530000
            SR R_LEN,R_TMP             * Nr of bytes in input buffer    03540000
            A  R_LEN,UNLBUFP           * Point past end-of-data         03550000
            ST R_LEN,UNLBUFND          * Save end-of-block ptr          03560000
            CPY UNLRCDP,UNLBUFP        * Set ptr to first record        03570000
           ELSE  ,                     * Must be variable or VB records 03580000
R_BUF       EQUREG ,                   * Assign buffer ptr              03590000
            USE BDW,R_BUF              * Address block descriptor word  03600000
            CPY R_BUF,UNLBUFP          * Point to filled buffer         03610000
            CPY R_LEN,BDWBLKLN         * Retrieve length of block       03620000
            A  R_LEN,UNLBUFP           * Point past end-of-data         03630000
            ST R_LEN,UNLBUFND          * Save end-of-block ptr          03640000
            INC R_BUF,BDW_LEN          * Point to first RDW in buffer   03650000
            CPY UNLRCDP,R_BUF          * Set ptr to current record      03660000
            DROP R_BUF                 * Buffer ptr no longer needed    03670000
           ENDIF ,                     *                                03680000
           EXSR CPYBLK                 * Go copy a block to output      03690000
          ENDIF ,                      *                                03700000
         ENDDO ,                       *                                03710000
*                                                                       03720000
         ENDSR ,                       *                                03730000
*********************************************************************** 03740000
*                                                                       03750000
* Routine to copy a whole block of data to the output dataset           03760000
*                                                                       03770000
*********************************************************************** 03780000
CPYBLK   BEGSR ,                       *                                03790000
*                                                                       03800000
* Set up to loop thru the block                                         03810000
R_REC    EQUREG ,                      * Assign record ptr              03820000
         USE   RDW,R_REC               * Assume RECFM=V or VB           03830000
*                                                                       03840000
         USE   DCB,UNLDCB2             * Set DCB fields addressable     03850000
*                                                                       03860000
* For each record in the buffer:                                        03870000
* - determine length, advance current record pointer                    03880000
* - copy record, truncate if too long, pad if too short                 03890000
* - write record to output dataset                                      03900000
*                                                                       03910000
         DO    WHILE,UNLRCDP,LT,UNLBUFND * For each record in buffer    03920000
*         Determine length, advance current record pointer              03930000
          CPY  R_REC,UNLRCDP           * Copy ptr to current record     03940000
          IF   DCBRECF                 * Fixed record length:           03950000
           CPY R_LEN,DCBLRECL          * Retrieve rec length from DCB   03960000
           CPY R_TMP,R_REC             * Copy current record ptr        03970000
           INC R_TMP,(R_LEN)           * Point to next record           03980000
           CPY UNLRCDP,R_TMP           * Update current record ptr      03990000
          ELSE ,                       * Variable records:              04000000
           CPY R_LEN,RDWRECLN          * Retrieve length of record      04010000
           CPY R_TMP,R_REC             * Copy current record pointer    04020000
           INC R_TMP,(R_LEN)           * Point next record in buffer    04030000
           CPY UNLRCDP,R_TMP           * Update current record pointer  04040000
           INC R_REC,RDW_LEN           * Point to start of record data  04050000
           DEC R_LEN,RDW_LEN           * And adjust data length         04060000
          ENDIF ,                      *                                04070000
*         Copy record, truncate if too long, pad if too short           04080000
          IF   R_LEN,GE,UNLBUFO_LEN    * Truncating move needed?        04090000
           MVC UNLBUFO,0(R_REC)        * Copy 80 bytes of input data    04100000
          ELSE ,                       * Need to pad                    04110000
           CLEAR UNLBUFO               * Pre-fill with blanks           04120000
           EXMVC UNLBUFO(R_LEN),0(R_REC) * Copy whole input record      04130000
          ENDIF ,                      *                                04140000
*         Write record to output dataset                                04150000
          PUT  UNLDCBO,UNLBUFO         * Write record to output dataset 04160000
         ENDDO ,                       *                                04170000
*                                                                       04180000
         ENDSR ,                       *                                04190000
*********************************************************************** 04200000
*                                                                       04210000
* Routine to create jcl statements                                      04220000
*                                                                       04230000
*********************************************************************** 04240000
CRTJCL   BEGSR ,                       *                                04250000
*                                                                       04260000
* Set input DCB subfields addressable                                   04270000
         USE   DCB,UNLDCB2             * Opened input DCB               04280000
*                                                                       04290000
* Retrieve datasetname from JFCB                                        04300000
R_TCBT   EQUREG TEMP=YES               * Assign TCB pointer             04310000
         CPY   R_TCBT,PSATOLD          * Load TCB-address               04320000
         USE   TCB,R_TCBT              * And set it addressable         04330000
R_TIOT   EQUREG ,                      * Assign TIOT pointer            04340000
         CPY   R_TIOT,TCBTIO           * Retrieve TIOT-pointer          04350000
         DROP  R_TCBT                  * TCB no longer needed           04360000
         LTHU  R_LEN,DCBTIOT           * Load TIOT-offset from DCB      04370000
         AR    R_TIOT,R_LEN            * Point to TIOT entry            04380000
         USE   TIOENTRY,R_TIOT         * Set TIOT entry addressable     04390000
*                                                                       04400000
* Find JFCB to retrieve dataset name                                    04410000
         LTA24 R1,TIOEJFCB             * Load JFCB token value          04420000
         DROP  R_TIOT                  * TIOENTRY no longer needed      04430000
*                                                                       04440000
         CLEAR UNLEPAX                 * Clear SWAREQ's EPA             04450000
EPA      USE   UNLD.UNLEPAX            * Set subfields addressable      04460000
         STA24 R1,EPA.SWVA             * Put JFCB token into EPAX       04470000
         SET   UNLEPAPT,UNLEPAX        * Set up pointer to EPAX         04480000
         MVPL  UNLSWARQ,UNL_SWARQ      * Copy prototype SWAREQ plist    04490000
         SWAREQ FCODE=RL,              * Request a read-locate         *04500000
               UNAUTH=YES,             *   in unauthorized mode        *04510000
               EPA=UNLEPAPT,           *   using this EPA pointer      *04520000
               MF=(E,UNLSWARQ)         *   and this parmlist            04530000
         CPY   R_RCD,R15               * Save retcode                   04540000
*                                                                       04550000
* Check validity of the results                                         04560000
         IF    R_RCD,NZ,OR,            * Skip ORCB if SWAREQ erred     *04570000
               EPA.SWLVERS,NZ,OR,      * Only version 0 supported      *04580000
               NOT,EPA.SWJFCBID        * Returned block is JFCB?        04590000
          ABND ,                       * Then we cannot proceed!        04600000
         ENDIF ,                       *                                04610000
R_JFCB   EQUREG ,                      * Assign JFCB pointer            04620000
         LT    R_JFCB,EPA.SWBLKPTR     * Valid JFCB pointer?            04630000
         ABND  Z                       * No: abend                      04640000
         DROP  EPA                     * UNLEPAX no longer needed       04650000
*                                                                       04660000
* R_JFCB now points to the JFCB for the opened DCB                      04670000
         USE   JFCB,R_JFCB             * Set JFCB addressable.          04680000
         MVC   UNLDSN,JFCBDSNM         * Copy data set name             04690000
         CPY   UNLPQTY,JFCBPQTY        * Primary allocation             04700000
         CPY   UNLSQTY,JFCBSQTY        * Secondary allocation           04710000
         CPY   UNLDQTY,JFCBDQTY        * Directory allocation           04720000
         CASE  JFCBCYL                 * Cylinder allocation?           04730000
          SETON UNLALCYL               *                                04740000
         CASE  JFCBTRK                 * Track allocation?              04750000
          SETON UNLALTRK               *                                04760000
         ELSE  ,                       * Must be block allocation       04770000
          SETON UNLALBLK               *                                04780000
         ENDCASE ,                     *                                04790000
         DROP  R_JFCB                  * JFCB no longer needed          04800000
*                                                                       04810000
* Find length of data set name                                          04820000
         L     R_TMP,=AL4(TRTAB1)      * Point to TRT table             04830000
         TRT   UNLDSN(44),0(R_TMP)     * Find first blank in name       04840000
         IF    Z                       * No blanks found:               04850000
          CPY  UNLDSNLN,44             * Length is 44                   04860000
         ELSE  ,                       * R1 points first blank          04870000
          LA   R_TMP,UNLDSN            * Point to start of name         04880000
          SR   R1,R_TMP                * R1 points invalid char         04890000
          CPY  UNLDSNLN,R1             * Save length of DSN             04900000
         ENDIF ,                       *                                04910000
*                                                                       04920000
* Determine allocation sizes                                            04930000
         IF    UNLSQTY,Z               * Secondary quantity valid?      04940000
          CPY  UNLSQTY,10              * No, assume 10                  04950000
         ENDIF ,                       *                                04960000
*                                                                       04970000
         IF    UNLPQTY,Z               * Secondary quantity valid?      04980000
          CPY  R_TMP,UNLSQTY           * No, use secondary space        04990000
          LA   R_TMP,0(R_TMP,R_TMP)    *     times two                  05000000
          CPY  UNLPQTY,R_TMP           *     for primary space          05010000
         ENDIF ,                       *                                05020000
*                                                                       05030000
         IF    UNLDQTY,Z               * Directory quantity valid?      05040000
R_EVEN    EQUREG ODD=R_ODD,PAIR=YES,TEMP=YES * Assign pair of regs      05050000
          CPY  R_ODD,UNLDIRFP          * Point free entry               05060000
          S    R_ODD,UNLDIRP           * Minus start = size of table    05070000
          CLEAR R_EVEN                 * Make it a 64-bit integer       05080000
          LA   R_LEN,12*5              * 5 direntries into a dir block  05090000
          DR   R_EVEN,R_LEN            * using 4 gives some spare room  05100000
          INC  R_ODD,5                 * Add room for 25 more entries   05110000
          CPY  UNLDQTY,R_ODD           *                                05120000
         ENDIF ,                       *                                05130000
*                                                                       05140000
* Set up to loop thru the JCL records                                   05150000
         USE   R_REC                   * Set register in use            05160000
         L     R_REC,=A(JCLTAB)        * Point to JCL table             05170000
         DO    WHILE,R_REC,LT,=A(JCLTAB_END) * For each statement       05180000
          MVC  UNLBUFO,0(R_REC)        * Copy record to buffer          05190000
*         +1 triggers insertion of dataset name                         05200000
          CASE E,CLC,UNLBUFO(2),=C'+1' * Type 1 substitution?           05210000
           MVC UNLBUFO(2),=C'//'       * Make it a decent JCL statement 05220000
           CPY R_LEN,UNLDSNLN          * Retrieve length of DSN         05230000
           EXMVC UNLBUFO+20(R_LEN),UNLDSN * Insert data set name        05240000
           LA  R_TMP,UNLBUFO+20(R_LEN) * Point beyond dataset name      05250000
           MVI 0(R_TMP),C','           * Insert comma                   05260000
*         +2 triggers insertion of allocation parameters                05270000
          CASE E,CLC,UNLBUFO(2),=C'+2' * Type 2 substitution?           05280000
           MVC UNLBUFO(2),=C'//'       * Make it a decent JCL statement 05290000
*          Allocate cylinders, tracks or blocks?                        05300000
           CASE UNLALCYL,NEST=YES      * Allocation is in cylinders?    05310000
            MVC UNLBUFO+22(3),=C'CYL'  *                                05320000
            MVC UNLBUFO+25(52),UNLBUFO+27 * Remove superfluous chars    05330000
            MVC UNLBUFO+78(2),=CL2'  ' * and add trailing spaces        05340000
           CASE UNLALTRK               * Allocation in tracks?          05350000
            MVC UNLBUFO+22(3),=C'TRK'  *                                05360000
            MVC UNLBUFO+25(52),UNLBUFO+27 * Remove superfluous chars    05370000
            MVC UNLBUFO+78(2),=CL2'  ' * and add trailing spaces        05380000
           CASE UNLALBLK               * Allocation in blocks?          05390000
            CPY R_TMP,UNLBLKSI         * Load block size                05400000
            CVD R_TMP,UNLCVD           * Make result decimal            05410000
            UNPK UNLQTY,UNLCVD         * Make result readable           05420000
            OI  UNLQTY+L'UNLQTY-1,C'0' * Without a sign                 05430000
            MVC UNLBUFO+22(L'UNLQTY),UNLQTY * And insert into JCL line  05440000
           ELSE ,                      * Programming error!             05450000
            ABND ,                     *                                05460000
           ENDCASE ,                   *                                05470000
*          Insert primary allocation quantity                           05480000
           CPY  R_TMP,UNLPQTY          * Load primary qty               05490000
           CVD  R_TMP,UNLCVD           * Make result decimal            05500000
           UNPK UNLQTY,UNLCVD          * Make result readable           05510000
           OI   UNLQTY+L'UNLQTY-1,C'0' * Without a sign                 05520000
           MVC  UNLBUFO+29(L'UNLQTY),UNLQTY * And insert into JCL line  05530000
*          Insert secondary allocation quantity                         05540000
           CPY  R_TMP,UNLSQTY          * Load secondary qty             05550000
           CVD  R_TMP,UNLCVD           * Make result decimal            05560000
           UNPK UNLQTY,UNLCVD          * Make result readable           05570000
           OI   UNLQTY+L'UNLQTY-1,C'0' * Without a sign                 05580000
           MVC  UNLBUFO+35(L'UNLQTY),UNLQTY * And insert into JCL line  05590000
*          Insert directory allocation quantity                         05600000
           CPY  R_TMP,UNLDQTY          * Load directory qty             05610000
           CVD  R_TMP,UNLCVD           * Make result decimal            05620000
           UNPK UNLQTY,UNLCVD          * Make result readable           05630000
           OI   UNLQTY+L'UNLQTY-1,C'0' * Without a sign                 05640000
           MVC  UNLBUFO+41(L'UNLQTY),UNLQTY * And insert into JCL line  05650000
*         +3 triggers insertion of step name                            05660000
          CASE E,CLC,UNLBUFO(2),=C'+3' * Type 3 substitution?           05670000
           MVC UNLBUFO(2),=C'//'       * Make it a decent JCL statement 05680000
           IF  UNLSPRM                 * Valid parm was passed?         05690000
            MVC UNLBUFO+2(8),UNLPARM   * Insert step name from parm     05700000
           ENDIF ,                     *                                05710000
          ENDCASE ,                    *                                05720000
*         Write completed JCL record                                    05730000
          PUT  UNLDCBO,UNLBUFO         * Write record to output dataset 05740000
          INC  R_REC,80                * Point next record              05750000
         ENDDO ,                       *                                05760000
         DROP  R_REC                   * Record ptr done                05770000
*                                                                       05780000
         ENDSR ,                       *                                05790000
*********************************************************************** 05800000
*                                                                       05810000
* Constants etc.                                                        05820000
*                                                                       05830000
*********************************************************************** 05840000
         LTORG ,                       *                                05850000
*********************************************************************** 05860000
*                                                                       05870000
* Out-of-line routines                                                  05880000
*                                                                       05890000
*********************************************************************** 05900000
*                                                                       05910000
* EOF-routine for input dataset                                         05920000
LIST_EODAD LABEL H                     *                                05930000
         SETON UNLSEOF                 * Signal EOF reached             05940000
         BR    R14                     * Return to main line            05950000
*********************************************************************** 05960000
*                                                                       05970000
* Indirectly addressable Plists and constants                           05980000
*                                                                       05990000
*********************************************************************** 06000000
UNL_DCB1 DCB   DDNAME=SYSUT1,          * Prototype for DCB             *06010000
               DSORG=PO,               * Directory is sequential       *06020000
               DCBE=UNL_DCBE,          * EODAD in DCBE                 *06030000
               MACRF=R                 * Read blocks only               06040000
*                                                                       06050000
UNL_DCB2 DCB   DDNAME=SYSUT1,          * Prototype for DCB             *06060000
               DSORG=PS,               * Directory is sequential       *06070000
               DCBE=UNL_DCBE,          * EODAD in DCBE                 *06080000
               MACRF=RP                * Read blocks only               06090000
*                                                                       06100000
UNL_DCBO DCB   DDNAME=SYSUT2,          * Prototype for DCB             *06110000
               DSORG=PS,               * output is sequential          *06120000
               MACRF=PM                * use Put in Move mode           06130000
*                                                                       06140000
UNL_DCBE DCBE  EODAD=LIST_EODAD        * DCBE to be used with DCB1/DCB2 06150000
*                                                                       06160000
         READ  UNL_DECB,SF,MF=L        * Read forward DCB1/DCB2         06170000
*                                                                       06180000
UNL_OPEN OPEN  (0,INPUT),MF=L          * Prototype for OPEN             06190000
UNL_CLOS CLOSE (0),MF=L                * Prototype for CLOSE            06200000
*                                                                       06210000
UNL_SWARQ SWAREQ EPA=0,                * Prototype for SWAREQ parmlist *06220000
               MF=L                    *                                06230000
*                                                                       06240000
TRTAB1   TRTAB NOTUC,                  * Uppercase chars are valid     *06250000
               CHARS=(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, * Digits are valid too      *06260000
               C'#',C'@',C'$',C'.')    * Other valid chars              06270000
*                                                                       06280000
JCLTAB   DS    0D                      * Table with JOB jcl             06290000
*                   012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 06300000
         DC    CL80'//BXALOAD  JOB  ,''Load BIXOFT libs'',CLASS=A'      06310000
         DC    CL80'//*'                                                06320000
         DC    CL80'//* This job loads source libraries for BIXXAMS'    06330000
         DC    CL80'//*'                                                06340000
         DC    CL80'+3CRTLIB   EXEC PGM=IEBUPDTE,PARM=NEW'              06350000
         DC    CL80'+1SYSUT2   DD   DSN='                               06360000
         DC    CL80'+2             SPACE=(00080,(00020,00010,00005)),'  06370000
         DC    CL80'//             DISP=(MOD,CATLG),DSORG=PO,'          06380000
         DC    CL80'//             RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,UNIT=SYSALLDA'     06390000
         DC    CL80'//SYSPRINT DD   DUMMY'                              06400000
         DC    CL80'//SYSIN    DD   DATA,DLM=''()'''                    06410000
JCLTAB_END EQU *                                                        06420000
CNTLADD  DC    CL80'./ ADD NAME='                                       06430000
CNTLEND  DC    CL80'./ ENDUP'                                           06440000
*                                                                       06450000
         END                                                            06460000


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