High Level Assembler - Opcodes overview, Extension Sets E740-E74F

The table below lists all documented extended mnemonics for instructions:

Opcode Mnemonic Description Table Type
E745 VREPI Vector REPlicate Immediate Extended Mnemonics
E746 VGM Vector Generate Mask Extended Mnemonics
E74A VFTCI Vector Floating point Test data Class Immediate Extended Mnemonics
E74D VREP Vector REPlicate Extended Mnemonics

Each extended mnemonic links to a text section with some additional info on the pertinent pseudo opcode.

Opcode Assignments.

Please note that the creation of descriptions for all individual instructions is an ongoing process. As yet no such descriptions have been created for the opcodes on this page.

Extended Mnemonics for instructions in extension sets E740-E74F

All instructions in this table are six bytes in length. The first byte always has a value of X'E7', the second byte of the opcode is located in the sixth byte of the instruction and always has a value in the range X'40' through X'4F'.

Extended Mnemonics for VREPI (Vector REPlicate Immediate)

Size=0 - Byte VREPIB
Size=1 - Halfword VREPIH
Size=2 - Fullword VREPIF
Size=3 - Doubleword VREPIG
Size=4 - Quadword  
Size=6 - Word
(Left Aligned)


Extended Mnemonics for VGM (Vector Generate Mask)

E746 VGM
Size=0 - Byte VGMB
Size=1 - Halfword VGMH
Size=2 - Fullword VGMF
Size=3 - Doubleword VGMG
Size=4 - Quadword  
Size=6 - Word
(Left Aligned)


Extended Mnemonics for VFTCI (Vector Floating point Test data Class Immediate)

E74A S=0 - Vector S=1 - Single
FPF=4 - Extended   WFTCIXB


Extended Mnemonics for VREP (Vector REPlicate)

Size=0 - Byte VREPB
Size=1 - Halfword VREPH
Size=2 - Fullword VREPF
Size=3 - Doubleword VREPG
Size=4 - Quadword  
Size=6 - Word
(Left Aligned)


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