HLASM - BAL = Branch And Link
The opcode of the BAL instruction is X'45'.
- Branch to a subroutine - within a CSECT - and pass the return
- Register into which the return address will be passed.
- Destination address (in index, base, displacement format).
- The processor places the address of the byte following the BAL
instruction (which is both the next sequential instruction address and
the expected return address) in the first register.
- It branches to the destination address.
- The condition code does not change.
Special Cases
- None.
Related Instructions
- BALR branches to an address that is specified
in a register.
- BCR is the preferred return instruction.
- BAS is preferred over BAL.
- BASSM branches to another routine that may need
to be called in a different Amode.
- All hardware supports the BAL instruction.
- It is common practice to use register R15 for passing the return address,
although other conventions are used as well.
- The PSW's Amode setting determines how many bits are used for the return
and destination addresses.
- Subroutines are typically used for the following reasons:
- When a section of code is required in multiple places.
- When a section of code may be difficult to follow, and it's
desired to keep it's logic separate from the routine within which
it's used.
- Subroutines within the addressable area of a CSECT are generally
invoked using BAL (or BAS).
- Subroutines in another program, in another CSECT, or past the end of
common addressability generally are invoked using
- Use of BAL is discouraged. Use BAS instead.
- In Amode 24 the generated return address contains 8 high-order bits with
additional PSW fields. This is usually regarded as garbage. The high-order
bit of the 32-bit register may be set to one, which may cause problems if
the called program returns with a BSM instead of one
of the BCR instructions
(typically BR instruction).
YREGS * Define register names
* This contrived routine reads a file and copies the first record,
* and all non-blank records after it. It can be invoked by the instruction:
* Register usage:
* R2 = record pointer
* R9 = return address from subroutine
* R14= return address from copy routine
COPYRTN ST R14,RET_ADR * Save our return address
BAL R9,READ * Go read the first record
LOOP MVC LINE,0(R2) * move data to print line.
BAL R9,WRITE * and go run the print routine.
SKIP BAL R9,READ * Go get the next record.
CLC SPACES,0(R2) * Is the record blank?
BNE LOOP * no, go write it.
B SKIP * yes, just read the next.
* End-of-file: return to invoker
ALLDONE L R14,RET_ADR * Retrieve return address
BR R14 * and return
READ READ INPUT * Read a record.
LR R2,R1 * Put record addr into reg-2
BR R9 * and return.
WRITE PUT OUTPUT,LINE * write current line,
BR R9 * and return.
spaces DC CL80' ' * Use to see if the input rec is blank.
LINE DC CL80' ' * Print line.
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