Profiles of HLASM experts.

The list below contains an overview of English speaking people with expertise in the area of High Level Assembler. The list is sorted alphabetically by last name, with the anonymous entries coming last.
For comparable lists in other languages, please select the language of your choice from the overview at the end of this page.

Each entry gives a very short description and a link to a page where each person explains - in their own wording - what they can do for you. The texts have been supplied by the experts themselves. Since we have no means of verifying correctness, we can give you NO WARRANTY at all and will accept NO LIABILITY whatsoever.

Want to join this list? Please see the instructions for joining the list.

Mr. R. Mullins
Mr. Mullins is a resident of Southern California, USA. He has been in the IT industry for almost 25 years.
His primary sphere of work has been at the systems level of IBM mainframes for most of that time, first as a systems programmer, then in ISV customer support, and for the past 10 years he has been working as a HLASM software developer. He has written programs that work with many facets of the z/OS and VSE/ESA operating systems, including interrogating system control blocks and manipulating data sets. His work also include accessing data spaces, using supervisor state, and utilizing many of the newer S/390 and z/Architecture instructions. He has also written programs that use interfaces described in the DFSMSdfp Advanced Customization Guide. Macros are a specialty.
A Full profile with contact information is available.
Positions in the USA, Canada, and Western Europe will be actively considered, as well as telecommuting assignments.

You, the experts, are invited to join this list.

Instructions for joining the list.

To join the list, please send a short note to Abe Kornelis (site owner) or to Ray Mullins who maintains this page. Your note should contain the text that you would like to add to this list. We reserve the right to refuse or to redact your text. Your text should be no longer than a handful of lines - just enough to perk the interest of the reader. You should provide the internet address (URI or URL) where you have all relevant information.

Lists of HLASM experts by language

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